Assassin's Creed Odyssey's New Game+ lets you switch characters


Now see how your sibling lives

Anyone willing to play Assassin’s Creed Odysseya second time will get the opportunity to see how the other half lives while still retaining level, stats, and gear from their original playthrough. New Game+ is coming to Assassin’s Creed Odysseylater this month, and Ubisoft has confirmed that players can choose between Alexios and Kassandra. They aren’t restricted to the character they selected when they first played.

Piggybacking off the arrival of New Game+, Ubisoft is also raising the level cap from 70 to 99. (It was raised from 50 to 70 in November.) Ubisoft explains this is mostly meant to accommodate people who are making use of New Game+, as it gives them time and space to continue leveling throughout their second time through this very long game.

Demonstrating how ludicrously big Assassin’s Creed Odysseyreally is, Ubisoft has also added 22 new fast travel viewpoints to unlock. These are placed at spots on the map where players have a tough time getting relatively quickly. Many open-world games could not feasibly accommodate 22 fast travel locations. Assassin’s Creed Odysseythrows in that many after the fact as nothing more than a slight convenience.

Apart from these three major developments, Assassin’s Creed Odysseyis getting its other regular glut of miscellaneous updates. There’s a new free “Lost Tales of Greece” mission, a few increased mercenary tiers, boar and shark outfits, and new frames for the photo mode. However, no word on when we’ll get the third act of the first premium add-on, Legacy of the First Blade. That’s likely coming in March.

This Month in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey — February 2019 Update [Assassin’s Creed]