Heroes of the Storm players launch new initiative to help save the game


Save HoTS

This very month Blizzard’s new CEO came out and issued a paralyzing statement regardingHeroes of the Storm. The game would immediately begin winding down, with less frequent hero (character) releases and the complete obliteration of a mainstream, Blizzard-funded eSports league. The loss of HGC (the tournament that ends in a huge BlizzCon bash) was the biggest blow for players.

Well, the community is clapping back with a league of their own. Heroes Lounge, a rather large influential body in the Heroescircuit (boasting “more than 350 teams and thousands of players competing in both Europe and North America”) has introduced Heroes Lounge Division S, a new “high-level competition” to sub in for HGC.

Through Heroes League crowdfunded prize pools will be available, as well as the power to play from anywhere (instead of traveling to wherever HGC is held). As a bonus, Khaldor (a big deal caster for former official Blizzard eSports matches) will be hosting “most” games. Signups begin in January and the league itself will begin in March.

The aim is to keep community interest in Heroeshigh and keep the lights on. Of course there is the possibility that Blizzard decides to just shut the game off entirely and people can’t access its servers to play: but for now, it’s still alive.

Save HoTS [Heroes Lounge]