Just Cause 4 launch trailer is a catalogue of total carnage


Boom! Shake the Room!

Tomorrow sees the launch of Square Enix’ sequel Just Cause 4, as seemingly invulnerable mercenary Rico Rodriguez once again takes to land, sea and air in a series of high-flying, death-defying and completely physics-breaking combat encounters.

A new launch trailer epitomises the chaos and destruction that is the series’ trademark. Featuring exploding buildings, out-of-control aircraft, flying battleships, high-performance sports cars, and more explosions that the fourth of July, Just Cause 4 returns to South America to see Rodriguez take his one-man-army up against a notorious outfit – The Black Hand – and their ruthless leader Gabriela Morales.

An interactive open-world adventure, that plays out like Tom Cruise’ bucket list of shit to do in movies, Just Cause 4 launches tomorrow on PS4, PC and Xbox One. Buckle up.