(Update) A whole lot of classic Final Fantasy games are heading to Switch next year


Breath taken

[Update: Those sneaky dogs! While Nintendo got to steal the spotlight of having Final Fantasy on the Switch, it isn’t the only new platform receiving these games. All of the titles mentioned below (save for Crystal Chronicles and Chocobo) will also be heading to Xbox One. The same release dates apply.]

In a bombshell of an announcement, a whole slew of Final Fantasy games will be heading to the Switch. This not only includes the legendary Final Fantasy VII but IX, XII and X/X2 HD. If that wasn’t enough, even some newer Final Fantasy titles will be making the jump. This, of course, means Final Fantasy XV: Pocket Edition HD (which is available right now!), but some other titles that I’ve not even heard of.

This includes a port of World of Final Fantasy called Maxima, Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition (which was announced a few days ago) and Chocobo’s Mystery Dungeon Everybuddy!. Most of these ports will be coming to the platform next year, but World has a firm date of November 6. Chocobois scheduled for Winter.

A whole host of legendary FINAL FANTASY titles are being released on #NintendoSwitch over the coming months and into 2019! pic.twitter.com/Y6pLAVx54h

— Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica) September 13, 2018