Get a load of Mega Man 11's English voice cast so far


For select Robot Masters and the core cast

The Mega Manseries has a very prolific history of awful vocal performances. It hosted the infamous “Elmer Fudd Dr. Light,”as well as “WHAT AM I FIGHTING FORRRRR,” and “so you’re the big cheese!”Mega Man 11seems to break that curse.

Capcom has provided sample voicework for a host of characters, including all four revealed Robot Masters, Mega Man, Dr. Light, Roll, Rush, and Dr. Wily. None of it sounds bad, and the bosses specifically have just the right amount of camp to them to make them interesting — they’re mostly talking during battle after all. Fuse Man yelling “prepare to diode” is basically all I’d ever want out of boss banter.

You’ll find the hero voicework on the “about” page, and there’s a small link to the Robot Master section near the bottom. Click any of them and it’ll bring you into their own landing page.Mega Man 11 is still due on October 2 on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Switch.

About [Mega Man 11] Thanks Rick!