Mario Tennis Aces just got a sizable patch with several online and offline fixes


On July 1 a rating system will be introduced

Mario Tennis Aces arrived just recently on Switch, and fans already have a laundry wishlist of things they want to see Nintendo implement. No longer is this the era of the “ship a game and move on” mentality, as Nintendo has been steadily supporting their online titles — no doubt to prep their fans for their looming paid online service.

Aces just got a new patch (1.1.1) to usher in some of those requests, and they involve both online and offline play. First up a “rating” system is coming on July 1, which will “start at 2,000” and go up or down depending on how well you do. Disconnects are accounted for, and ratings will go “up or down based on the score in the match at that time” (wow that can be abused for sure). There’s also a discrepancy modifier where you “may not even” go up in rating if there’s a “great discrepancy between players in ability.” Great idea, but isn’t that what a matchmaking system prevents? Maybe more patches are on the way to clean all that up.

In offline news adventure mode has been tweaked a bit (mostly to cut down on some frustrations with the AI on certain maps), and several bugs have been squashed. You can view the full patch notes here if you crave that granular info.

Mario Tennis Aces [Nintendo]