Director Cory Barlog uploads emotional reaction video to God of War scores


‘Thank you from the bottom of my heart’

A new video appeared yesterday on the YouTube channel of Sony Santa Monica’s Creative Director Cory Barlog. The clip features Barlog’s live reaction as the review scores start to roll in for new PS4 adventure title, God of War, which officially releases today.

In the video, Barlog is overcome with a wave of emotion, referencing the amazing effort put in by his entire team in what must’ve been a mammoth undertaking. Cory proceeds to thank the men and women that helped bring the anticipated sequel to reality, candidly stating how unsure he had been of the world’s ultimate reaction to the sombre title. This concern has been clearly put to rest with Barlog’s utter relief that he “didn’t fuck it up”.

I can only imagine the pressure development teams are under today, from their publishers, their fans and self-imposed by their own standards. Dealing with this whilst balancing private affairs, family stresses and the curve balls that life likes to chuck at us all. The work/life balance can be a tough grind, filled with struggle and doubt, one that we all experience daily. At least there’s one more team who, for now, can sleep a little more soundly.

God of War is available now on PS4.