(Update) Nintendo reveals that Super Mario Odyssey is the fastest selling US Mario to date



[Update: Although they didn’t give exact numbers, Nintendo of Europe says Odysseyis also their fastest-selling Mario, and it has surpassed Mario Galaxy 2.]

We kind of all knew Super Mario Odyssey would do well, at least at this stage in the Switch’s release.

You can’t really fault people for having doubts when it was crowned the “NX,” especially given Nintendo’s recent track record with the Wii U, and the loss of a lot of third-party support at the tail-end of the Wii’s life span. But very quickly into the Switch’s debut when people were lining up around the block for it, the writing was on the wall — people are digging it, and it’s selling. So well in fact, that it may surpass the Wii U as early as next year.

So it makes even more sense that a critically acclaimed 3D Mariowould do well on this newly minted system, and it absolutely did just that. Nintendo reports that with 1.1 million units in the US, it’s the fastest-selling Mariogame in the history of the region — it even beat out New Super Mario Bros. Wii.

I’m sure more global figures will be out soon enough, but Nintendo already has a lot to celebrate. Right after I saw the reaction for this one outside of my review bubble, I called for a Super Mario Odyssey 2— a la Galaxy 2. I’d put money on it, folks! All Nintendo has to do is bring Cappy back and put in some new transformations.