Japan's next Splatoon 2 Splatfest is getting physical, physical


Gym warfare

Nintendo has tweeted out some new art to promote Japan’s next Splatfest, which will once again see teams battle it out on popular shooter Splatoon 2 in order to settle a somewhat pointless debate.

This time around, Marina and Pearl will do battle over… umm… which is the best element of physical prowess: Agility or Endurance. Pearl clearly thinks it’s all about slick movement, whereas Marina believes it’s all about how long you can last. Frankly, in the wake of Europe’s “Which way do you hang your toilet paper?”, some of these debates are getting a little random.

The Splatfest is promoted by some more neat artwork, featuring the gals working up a sweat in the great outdoors. Pearl is representing Agility by… stepping in and out of a ladder, or something, whilst Marina showcases Endurance, and her weird left foot, with some spine-twisting yoga.

Wait, Octopus have no spine… I… I don’t even know anymore, folks.

North America will do battle over the far more sensible matter of Vampires vs Werewolves during their own Splatfest, which begins October 13.

フェスの開催が告げられた。お題は「自信があるのはどっち? 瞬発力 vs 持久力」。運動のことだと思ってもいいし、勉強や仕事のことだと思ってもいい。どちらがより自分に当てはまるか、考えてみよう。期間は10月14日(土)13:00~10月15日(日)13:00だ。 pic.twitter.com/HKhZpX9cD3

— Splatoon(スプラトゥーン) (@SplatoonJP) October 7, 2017