Splatoon 2 gets some fun Summer clothing today


Aren’t they all wearing T-shirts and shorts anyway?

Splatoon 2 is to get a range of in-game ‘Summer Vacation’ clothing for you to dress up your squid-kids, who are fast becoming the intolerable hipsters of the Nintendo universe.

As tweeted by Nintendo Japan, the new collection of clothing, accessories and footwear (including the dreaded flip-flop) should be made available for download today. Whilst the items are hardly anything to write home about in comparison to other shooters’ takes on sun-soaked fashion, they are at least free, which is always welcome in this day and age.

Download them while you still can, the collection is only being made available in store for a mere five days, with the promotion ending on August 16.

「イカリング2」で利用できる、アネモのゲソタウンが、明日8/11~8/16までの6日間、「Summer Vacation Collection」と称して、夏から秋にかけてのコーディネートにピッタリなアイテムラインナップになるという。この機会にぜひ覗いてみてはいかがだろうか。 pic.twitter.com/D8pNRuEzbB

— Splatoon(スプラトゥーン) (@SplatoonJP) August 10, 2017