Zelda: Breath of the Wild with co-op sounds like an absolute delight


Link to Link

The Zelda series doesn’t have much in the way of multiplayer experiences. While I don’t dislike any of the MP focused games we have gotten, I’ve never really thought of Zelda as an experience that I want to play with a friend. The whole game is meant to be a personal journey of discovery, amazement and adventure. Breath of the Wild, though, has so many options available that it would be divine with a buddy.

If you’re down with emulation, you’ll eventually be able to experience Nintendo’s latest adventure with a friend. Modders have taken it upon themselves to incorporate co-op for Breath of the Wild via the CEMU Wii U emulator. It works by swapping an NPC model with Link and then letting a second person take command of them.

The mod is about a year off and there isn’t any proof of concept video footage, but the screenshots definitely prove this is plausible. Now if only Nintendo would officially release this as DLC, since the current plans don’t sound very exciting.

Modders are adding co-op to Zelda: Breath of the Wild [Eurogamer]