Nintendo leads into the Switch event with a huge eShop sale


122 games are discounted

Nintendo has a stranglehold on gaming news right now. We’re one day away from its highly-anticipated Switch presentation and speculation is abound. Third-party accessories are leaking, retailers are prematurely confirming future games— it’s all just a muddled mess of mostly-believable but still-unconfirmed Nintendo news.

While it’s dominating the public consciousness, Nintendo is throwing a big eShop sale. There are 122 games discounted between Wii U and 3DS. Savings are mostly in that 20-30 percent range that’s still good because Nintendo games never really get huge sales. A few standouts are Splatoonfor $46.79, Yo-Kai Watchfor $31.19, Pocket Card Jockeyfor $5.45, River City: Tokyo Rumblefor $23.99, and Shantae: Risky’s Revenge– Director’s Cut for $6.99.

There are a few details to go along with the sale. This runs through the morning of January 25, so exactly two weeks. Also, My Nintendo members can get an additional 10 percent off certain titles, but it’s not stated upfront which games apply.

Now Nintendo fans have a tough choice to make. Do you spend money on discounted games or do you squirrel your cash away to put toward a Switch? We’re little more than 24 hours away from (presumably) finding out when it releases and how much it’ll cost. Choose wisely.

Game Store [Nintendo]