Switch port being considered for Republique


But will David Hayter be replaced by Kiefer?

Republique was a nice little indie stealth romp, created by several of the folks who worked on the Metal Gear Solidfranchise. It had its share of highs and lows (an especially low point was its insane wait between episodes), but if you can get the complete edition on the cheap, it’s worth a spin over a rainy weekend.

Its journey isn’t over yet, either, as the Kickstarter page (created in 2013) is still trucking, and as of this week, asked fans if they would want a potential Switch port. According to folks who have seen the backer-only post, it isn’t a promise of any kind, but more of a way to gauge interest. If anything was added to it, I’d probably check it out — but as it stands, the more third-party games on the Switch, the merrier.

December 2016 Update [Kickstarter via Reddit]