Did anyone else want to be a Nintendo Power Line Counselor?


Here’s a brief interview with someone who was

With the release of the NES Classic, many older gamers are there are reliving the era that they first started gaming in — that is, if they can actually find the damn thing.

And while Nintendo did have a cute little pre-recorded homage to the “Power Line,” where folks could call in and ask how to beat certain games or get specific tips, it’s not the same as the real thing. To preserve that bit of history VICE sat down with David Young, one of the original Power Line counselors, to shed some more light on the program’s history.

In this brief interview that aired on HBO in November, Young recounts how they initially started out small with a “brand new phone line,” but eventually ramped up to “400 calls a day.”

As I’ve said before I’ve called the line once myself for Mega Man 2. For the life of me I couldn’t figure out how to get past this one areain the first Wily stage before the dragon, even though I was using the right items. As my mom was on hold on the phone while the counselor was looking up how to do it, I ended up getting through.