Port factory Splash Damage bought by Chinese poultry company


Leyou already partially owns Digital Extremes

How do you spell out the chicken noise? Bawk, right? Bawk-bugawk? Either way this is an an odd one.

Splash Damage, a developer that doubles as a port and multiplayer factory (which has handledGears of War Ultimate Edition as well as the ill-fatedBrink and Dirty Bomb),have been bought byLeyou, a Chinese chicken meat company. According to the terms of the deal it will not “exceed $150 million,” which is a nice bit of coin for the studio given their mixed history.

Leyou already owns part of Digital Extremes (Warframe), and the move is being made to diversify their portfolio in light of the “arduous” poultry business, that has issues with “raw materials procurement, feed production, breeder and broiler breeding, broiler slaughtering and process, quality and safety management and sales mix rationalisation and channel expansion.”

Maybe they’ll start packing in KFC coupons with pre-orders?

Major Transaction [Leyou Technologies] Thanks Aaron!