Here's another clue the Nintendo NX will not have an optical drive


Let’s get speculatin’!

New rumours have surfaced indicating the Nintendo NX will not use optical discs.

According to Nintendo Life (via MCV), 3DS card manufacturer Macronix has revealed it is expecting a revenue hike just around the time Nintendo plans to launch its new Nintendo NX console in March 2017. Gasp.

Japanese website Money-Link has reported the following:

Macronix’s ROM chips are usually supplied to videogame console maker, Nintendo. Although the sales is in off season during the first quarter, the revenue is similar compared with the same period last year. Wu Miin suggested that as Nintendo had just announced it will release a new generation console in March next year, and the console will be launched at the same time in Japan, America and Europe, so ROM’s sales is expected to increase in the latter half of this year, and it will have a large growth potential.

Typically, this kind of information would be attributed to changes with the Nintendo 3DS, but given the company recently tested a new line of 32nm ROM chips – as opposed to the 3DS’ smaller capacity 75nm ones – the new cards with the extra space are thought to be connected to the Nintendo NX.

It’s not the first time we’ve talked about the Nintendo ditching optical drives for its new console, but it certainly adds fire to the flames of speculation.

What do you think — do you have a preference between disc, ROM-based media, or cloud/digital? Or does it not even matter if the system — and games — are good? Tell me all, people.