The VLC Media Player is coming to Xbox


It debuted in 2001

How, it’s hard to believe that I’ve been using VLC for over 10 years. Initially picking it up in high school to watch anime (ha), this powerhouse of a program has adapted codec after codec to remain relevant in 2016. So relevant, in fact, that it’s coming to Xbox One later in the summer.

In an update on the official blog, the developers noted that they’ve been “working on Xbox One for a long time,” but due to some recent breakthroughs they’ve had more success as of Februrary. The release date is set for summer, when Microsoft opens up UWP apps on the Xbox platform.

UWP? That stands for Universal Windows Platform, and you can read all about it here. Jargon aside, it’s basically bringing more parity to the Windows 10 and Xbox.

Announcing VLC as a UWP [Thomas Nigro]