Rise of the Tomb Raider officially coming to PC on January 28


Adventure time

As Lara Croft is constantly in search of treasure, Tomb Raiderdeveloper Crystal Dynamics is constantly in search of sales. After hitting the one million mark right out the gate on Xbox platforms, the game’s fortunes will likely improve substantially with its PC release, which is in little more than three weeks’ time.

Crystal Dynamics confirmed today that Rise of the Tomb Raiderwill be available on PC through Steam and the Windows 10 store on January 28. It has been outed in recent weeks as a January release, but the exact timetable wasn’t clear.

In all, Microsoft’s timed-exclusivity deal looks to have been good for a little less than three months. Rise of the Tomb Raiderlaunched on November 10 on Xbox platforms; January 28 marks just more than 11 weeks after the fact.

Of course, Sony users will likely have to wait considerably longer. Rise of the Tomb Raiderisn’t expected to be made available on PS4 until the end of 2016 (although that’s mostly speculation). Microsoft’s main goal is to play keep-away from Sony, not so much the PC segment that isn’t necessarily viewed as a direct competitor.