Playing Destiny Nightfall Strikes can 'feel like losing'


That’s not a great thing to hear

Have you been playing Destiny‘s Nightfall Strikes recently and feeling like the rewards earned were not worth the time put in to earn them? Well, you’re not alone. According to Destiny creative director Luke Smith, a lot of you are very unhappy with the rewards provided.

While drops from Nightfall Strikes used to be random, with a guaranteed reputation buff included, those missions now only drop one of a few set items.

Nightfall Rewards can be underwhelming. Runes/low # of coins/no reputation burst/weak legendaries all feel like losing. We’re gonna fix it

— Luke Smith (@thislukesmith) October 14, 2015

So, while it looks like Destiny‘s rewards for Nightfall Strikes may be updated in the near future to fix the issue, no time frame for the fix was given. Have you been feeling like a loser while playing Destiny?