Too bad I won't be able to play Land's End


VR adventure from Monument Valley devs

Monument Valley is a good game for good people. Its creator Ustwo Games is prepping its next project, a first-person virtual-reality adventure, for release on October 30, 2015. But the thing is, it’s only coming to Samsung’s Gear VR — a platform many of us don’t intend to buy.

Between Oculus Rift, PlayStation VR, HTC Vive, Google Cardboard, Fove, and a handful of other VR solutions, software exclusivity is going to get worse for us, the players, before it gets any better.

This specific trailer doesn’t do a whole lot for me (I prefer the earlier one, if I’m being totally candid; it’s the lighting), but over the past year I’ve learned not to judge VR games from a distance.

Land’s End will probably be pretty cool in person. If you own a Samsung Galaxy S6 and are willing to get a Gear VR headset as well, you’re in luck.