Sup Holmes gets punchy with Poncho dev Danny Hayes


Sup Holmes every Sunday at 4pm EST!

[Sup Holmes is a weekly talk show for people that make great videogames. It airs live every Sunday at 4pm EST onYouTube, and can be found in Podcast form onLibsynandiTunes.]

[Update: Thanks for watching everybody! The rerun should be up soon. In the meantime, here’s EGX trailer for Poncho that hints at the underlyingmelancholy.]

Today on Sup Holmes we welcome Danny Hayes of Delve Interactiveto the program. Danny and his team are partnering with Rising Star Games on publishing Poncho, a (not)Fez-inspired dimension hopping adventure title. We’ll be talking about how Danny and his team worked to take inspiration from existing games without copying them, the perils and pontoons of game development, and whatever else happens to fly into our brains. It should be a hoot! Join us at 4pm EST for the full shebang.