Rhythm Thief on iOS is getting shut down this September


It’s one of those online-only games

Rhythm Thief & The Paris Caper is the latest casualty of war in Sega’s efforts to purge its mobile catalog for quality concerns. As of today nothing may be purchased within the app, and on September 28, 2015, it will be completely shut down.

What does that mean? Since the game is online-only, presumably that it will not work. When mobile developers cease to support something, that generally means that the OS of the most recent devices has surpassed the viability of being compatible with the software, so said developers generally just give up — instead of going back and spending man hours fixing everything.

It’s a shame too, asRhythm Thief & The Paris Caper was a pretty fantastic port of the 3DS game, and I’d love to see this series continue in some form.

Rhythm Thief & The Paris Caper [iTunes]