Square Enix CEO on Tomb Raider exclusivity: 'It wasn't an easy decision'



Finally! We now know the exact details on the Rise of the Tomb Raiderexclusivity deal that Microsoft worked out with Square Enix — it took them long enough. But even with this information, the backlash that began with the announcement still continues, so Square Enix west CEO Phil Rogers has been defending the company and its choice.

Speaking on the matter, Rogers states, “I hope fans know that it wasn’t an easy decision,. I think any sort of partnership at this level is a decision that took a long time for us to get to. The decision at a studio level, we took very, very seriously. We knew it would, in the short-term, disappoint fans.”

Rogers goes on to explain the decision a bit, claiming,“We’re about growing our IP, this is a long-term decision. We’re going to take Tomb Raider up to the next level. With Microsoft’s belief, passion and sort of muscle to help us deliver, we really think this is going to be an awesome game that people will enjoy for years and years to come.”

OK, so that sort of makes sense if they actuallyhave a long term plan for Tomb Raiderwith Microsoft’s help, but it’s a timed exclusive, and not even a lengthy one at that, as the PC will get it roughly half a year later, while PS4 fans wait a full year. Is it not okay to just say “the money helped,” and then go on to mention how “Rise of the Tomb Raiderwould not be possible without Microsoft’s financial backing?”

Square CEO on Rise of the Tomb Raider Xbox One exclusivity & Microsoft’s passion [Examiner]