Valve and HTC are touring with the HTC Vive


Across the US, Germany, and France

This was the year I went from not caring much about virtual reality (yet) to mentally committing myself to buying an Oculus Rift when its consumer model releases next year. The company’s E3 2015 showing, which included a one-on-one Touch demonstration, was that convincing.

But, I still haven’t tried the free-roaming HTC Vive. Not enough people have. HTC and Valve are bringing the VR device on a world tour that kicked off this week at Comic-Con in San Diego, CA and will continue through October with a final stop in Paris. The current schedule is as follows:

  • July 9-12, Island St & 6th Ave, San Diego, CA, USA
  • July 17-19, Forecastle Festival [Invite Only], Louisville, KY, USA
  • July 21-23, Navy Pier, Chicago, IL, USA
  • July 25-28, specific location TBD, Kansas City, KS, USA
  • August 2-8, The International, Seattle, WA, USA
  • August 5-9, Gamescom, Cologne, Germany
  • August 13-16, specific location TBD, San Francisco, CA, USA
  • August 20-23, specific location TBD, Portland, OR, USA
  • August 28-31, PAX Prime, Seattle, WA, USA
  • September 4-9, IFA, Berlin, Germany
  • October 28-November 1, Paris Games Week, Paris, France

I’d urge you to try the Vive if you can. Text can’t convey how far virtual reality has come.

The HTC Vive World Tour is Here [HTC]