E3 2015 watch-a-thon, with friends!


Watch E3 with the Dtoid community!

[Heads up from community member Nanashi! Watching E3 by yourself is so boring. Why not watch it together in group with your fellow Dtoiders? Stop by the community, pick your preferred method to watch the expo, and heckle it up with some old and new friends! ~Striderhoang]

It’s that time once again fellow Dtoid people. E3 is around the corner. I can seriously feel the excitement, tingly feeling I’ll hopefully be getting from some of the announcements I’m desperately hoping for. I also like to watch E3 just because it is fun and relaxing to me.

I get some enjoyment, I cringe a little, I feel a little older each year but I always come away with some bit of good feeling. And this year I want to help organize some of us together, like the tradition with FNF or NARPs this calls for a cblog and forum thread.

The best options for this are services like Skype (free), Teamspeak (not free except for guests), chat services, console party chat (like PSN or XBL) and probably a few others I’m missing. All I’m saying is if you want to host,you can put out an open invitation here. I will compile everything from the forums and cblogs and keep both up to date .

First though, here is just a reminder for the conference dates & times:

Conference Conference Time
Bethesda June 14 – 7pm PT / 10pm ET
Microsoft June 15 – 9:30am PT/12:30pm ET
EA June 15 – 1pm PT / 4pm ET
Ubisoft June 15 – 3pm PT / 6pm ET
Sony June 15 – 6pm PT / 9pm ET
Nintendo June 16 – 9am PT/ 12pm ET
Square Enix June 16 – 10am PT/ 1pm ET
PC Gaming Show June 16 – 5pm PT/8pm ET

And finally below are some simple instructions for hosting!

– Leave what method you’ll be partying up through– Which conference(s) or day(s),– How many “slots” are available (if there is a limit),– And any extra info you want.

And again the forum thread for this is righthere, in case you want to check up over there too.


Host: NanashiVia: PS4/Vita party chatWhen: All conferencesSlots: 8 MaxAdd PSN: Nanashi707

Host: BrightsideVia:discord.gg/0JH7u67UpQKx1t0HWhen: Sony, Nintendo, Squeenix ConferenceSlots: UNLIMITED

Host: Dtoid CommunityVia: Unofficial chatURL:https://irc.lc/quakenet/destructoid/[email protected]@@When: All conferencesSlots: UNLIMITED