Miss PlayStation Home? Check out the Tower Unite Kickstarter


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Hot off the heels of the death knell of PlayStation Home, this Kickstarter popped up. It’s probably a coincidence, considering the team has been working on the similar GMod Tower for the past five years, but it seems fortuitous that the social platform community just lost a big player in the arena as Tower Unite is ramping up.

Tower Unite lets players build a dream condo to live in, where we can pretend to be rich while we sit on the couch and watch YouTube videos. Not only that, but it has some built-in games planned, like a kart racer, miniature golf, and a Super Monkey Ball-like.

It has only been on Kickstarter for a few days, but it’s already about 10% of the way to its $100,000 goal. I can imagine it’ll hit that goal, especially considering the social game community has a void to fill right about now.