Darn! Sounds like Zelda Wii U won't be out this year


Aonuma wants to make ‘the ultimate and most complete Zelda game’

Arguably the biggest Wii U game of the year, Zelda, won’t release in 2015 after all. Or, at least, Nintendo is “no longer making a 2015 release [its] number one priority,” to put it another way.

In a video update, producer Eiji Aonuma described the reasons for the delay, and it’s hard to be mad. “As I have watched our development progress, I have come to think that rather than work with meeting a specific schedule as our main objective, and releasing a game that reflects only what we can create within that scheduled time, I feel strongly that our focus should be to bring all these ideas to life in a way that will make Zelda on Wii U the best game it can possibly be.”

Aonuma said the development team has come up with enough fresh ideas that “it now feels like we have the potential to create something that exceeds my own expectations.”

Nintendo added that Zelda won’t be present at E3 this year. The time and energy it would take to show the title off at the trade show will instead go toward finishing the game.