Get both Hotline Miami games in a brutal physical box set


Comes with some art cards, comics and stuff too

Rejoice Hotline Miami fans who still like physical boxed releases, there’s a Hotline Miami and Hotline Miami 2 physical collectors edition in the works.

The $60 (£40) box set, due to ship out in August 2015, comes with DVD and Steam copies of Hotline Miami and Hotline Miami 2 Special Edition, a fancy looking DVD case, a mix tape on an actual music cassette, a trade paperback version of the Hotline Miami 2 comic, five trading cards, an art card, and a spray-paint stencil.

At the time of writing the physical release still needs another thousand or so orders to enter production, but considering the speed these have been being ordered so far I don’t doubt they’ll reach their target. You can take a closer look at the physical release and order it here.