Operation Kos-Mos works to support Xenosaga HD Trilogy release


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Last month, Namco Bandai producer (and Tekken series director) Katsuhiro Harada called on the fans of the Xeno series to show their desire for an HD remaster of the Xenosaga games. Lots of fans ask him for something like a Xenosaga HD Collection, but he says that lots of tweets from a few people is not enough. You can read his full message from last month here.

Operation Kos-Mos has grown from that spark. On both Facebook and Twitter you’ll find a growing group of fans that want the Xenosaga games to get a re-release. There’s a petition, too. A month in, there are now thousands of supporters.

That’s great, but we need more. Much more. As a massive fan of the Xeno series, I’m doing my part. If you’re with me on this, do yours.