MGS V: Ground Zeros on PS4 outsells Xbox One version 3 to 1


Because of course it does

Konami has announced results for its fiscal quarter ending June 30, revealingMetal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroessales on PlayStation 4 trebled those of the Xbox One release.

It isn’t all that surprising, though. The Metal Gear Solid series has traditionally called Sony platforms home, and PS4 has thus far found its way into more homes than has its competitor.

The publisher is forecasting annual revenues of¥220 billion, a 1.1 percent year-over-year rise, thanks largely to a booming pachinko business, the nice boost from Ground Zeroes, and its “steadily” growing mobile ventures.

Metal Gear Solid on PS4 triples Xbox One version sales [GamesIndustry International]