PlanetSide 2 just got a whole lot bigger and swampier


Introducing Hossin

The scale of PlanetSide 2was already pretty impressive. Three massive and unique continents ensured that thousands of players were vying for control of territories all over the place. Now, there’s a new continent in the mix.

Sony Online Entertainment added Hossin to PlanetSide 2today, a swampland with low-hanging trees and boggy terrain. SOE states that the environment will change the way players have to approach combat, placing more emphasis on infantry units than ever before.

Play space isn’t the only thing that SOE’s improving. With the addition of Hossin, alterations were also made to outfit recruitment, base capturing, and continent locking. These updates are all available for free for PC users, and the PlayStation 4 version of PlanetSide 2is still scheduled for later this year.