Here's some box-centric Metal Gear Solid V footage


What’s a Phantom Cigar?

Leading up to Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain‘s full-blown E3 showing next week, designer Hideo Kojima has shared about a minute and a half of new footage.

It’s mostly just Big Boss running around in a cardboard box — y’know, the usual — but that’ll do. I got a kick out of the ending in which, after popping out of the box for a holdup, he runs away.

This clip was part of a longer Japanese Kojima Station presentation. Be sure to check back later for the English-language version.

[Via NeoGAF]

Kojima also showed a poster (via Kotaku) that compared the map sizes of the various Metal Gear Solid games, and let’s just say The Phantom Pain is way, way bigger:

That whole brown area all of the colored splotches are on? That’s Phantom Pain‘s map.