What are your predictions for Sony at E3?


Share your thoughts with the Dtoid community!

All week long we’ll be asking the Destructoid community for your predictions for each of the major press conferences going into E3 2014! Share your thoughts in the comments, and upvote your favorites! We’ll be recapping these posts this weekend.

Sony has enjoyed the upper hand both in sales and in gamer faith so far this latest generation. Launching the PlayStation 4 at $100 less than its main competition (and free of forced motion-control gimmickry) coupled with a better-received launch and post-launch lineup have placed Sony back at the head of the pack this gen, a far cry from their launch debacle with the PlayStation 3. In addition, the Vita has steadily grown its own library over the last few years, and Sony’s willingness to support cross-buying many games has earned it a lot of good faith with early-adopters.

Still, with the Xbox brand receiving a much-needed and significant facelift recently, Sony still has a lot to prove going into this year’s E3. Tell us how you think they’ll fair! What major reveals do you foresee? New franchises announced? Old favorites brought back from the dead? Or just more of the same? Share your thoughts below! Or, if you feel yourself getting too long-winded, go write a community blog!

Have fun! And if you haven’t made your Xbox predictions yet, click here!