Bit Boy!! Arcade is colorful and strange


The trailer’s kind of odd, too

Bit Boy!! Arcade has a second trailer, though I’m quite sure I never saw the first one. But I did investigate, and for a game with WiiWare origins shrunken down to the 3DS, it looks quite good. I’m not sure how I missed it, given its propensity for neon colors and surreal digital landscapes.

There’s also a floating head that appears to be the developer. I’m not quite sure what that’s all about, but hey — it looks like it might be a good time if you’ve got a few bucks to spend. I’m particularly interested in the maze-like levels and voice acting.

If it’s anything like it is in the trailer, I feel like I’m going to be in for a treat, especially since it looks like it makes good use of depth for 3D. If it looks like your cup of tea, it’s available in the eShop now, floating head included.