Among the Sleep crawls to PS4, Project Morpheus


Toddler terror!

Among the Sleepis creeping and crawling to PlayStation 4, Norwegian developer Krillbite Studio revealed today. The toddler-themed horror game will also featuresupport for Sony’s virtual reality headset, Project Morpheus, CEO Ole Andreas Jordet confirmed.

The title’s premise, which follows a two-year-old child’s harrowing journey through a haunted house, certainlywon over Kickstarter patrons, who successfully funded the then-PC exclusive project to the tune of $248,358.

Krillbite says Among the Sleep will be released “inthe not-so-distant future,” for those of you with a penchant for vague statements. Until then, why not try the free playable alpha? You can find that here.

Among the Sleep Coming to PS4 [PlayStation Blog]