Capcom hopes Monster Hunter 4 sells 3.9 million more copies


Think big

We already knew that Capcom did pretty decent for itself last year. This was thanks in no small part to Monster Hunter 4, which moved 4.1 million copies in Japan and South Korea. Capcom’s not calling it a day, as it has more lofty aspirations for this title.

Capcom revealed in its strategies and plans for the 2015 fiscal year, that it forecasts Monster Hunter 4will sell another 3.9 million copies, bolstered largely by introduction to North American audiences in the early calendar year of 2015.

If Capcom can make good on these projections, we’ll probably be naming Monster Hunter 4as one of the company’s top-performing titles of 2015, as well. And, if that happens, there’s a solid chance that Capcom may very well finish in the black again.

Overview of Strategies and Plans [Capcom (PDF) via Joystiq]