Xbox One's parity clause backfires again


It’s why The Swapper is coming to PlayStation instead

Curve Studios recently announced its plans to bring three gamesThe Swapper, MouseCraft, and Titan Attacks — to PS3, PS4, and PS Vita, which is hardly an unusual sight these days. The trio is skipping Xbox One due to Microsoft’s parity clause that has developers releasing their titles simultaneously, or not at all. So PlayStation it is. Time for a rethink?

Speaking to Digital Spy, Curve managing director Jason Perkins explained that it should be able to support Xbox One in the future, but these three games specifically were signed prior to Microsoft’s self-publishing indie program ID&Xbox. “That’s the plan. It’s important for us, we want to be.”

Design director Jonathan Biddle said “We’re platform agnostic. We’ll support everyone. What works for us is having many as healthy competitors as possible.” In the case of the parity clause, “We feel like it’s unnecessary handcuffs really, but that’s the way they’ve decided to run that.”

The Swapper, MouseCraft, Titan Attacks by Curve ruled out for Xbox One [Digital Spy]