Get caught up with this JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle recap trailer



Like many of the fighting game fans who will inevitably see JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle and become intrigued, I’m not caught up all the way with the storyline. Bandai Namco Games has just the fix: a trailer wrapping up the events all the way up to the third series arc. That way, if you’re wanting to get in on some sweet, sweet JoJo action, you don’t have to spend hours of your life getting into the show before playing. But you should anyway, if you have the time.

The trailer’s a little hokey, sure, but it does a decent job when it comes to distilling several hours of content into one easy-to-follow hype reel to fill players in who may never have seen the show. There’s also a ton of pretty colors. And Dio.

It’s shameful, I know, that I haven’t caught up all the way, but that doesn’t keep me from ravenously devouring the manga and the series when I can. All-Star Battle looks goofy and deliciously frenetic, a bit of a palate cleanser. Look for a review soon, but for now enjoy these eight minutes of JoJo goodness and cue up “Roundabout.” Now pose!