The Unreal Engine 4 now runs in Firefox


Next-gen browser gaming


Browser based gaming just took a giant leap forward with this demonstration of the Unreal Engine 4 running in Firefox at near-native speeds. The demo you see shows Epic’s Soul and Swing Ninja, and this is the first glimpse of the Unreal Engine 4 running on the web without any plugins.

“This technology has reached a point where games users can jump into via a Web link are now almost indistinguishable from ones they might have had to wait to download and install,” said Brendan Eich, CTO and SVP of Engineering at Mozilla. “Using Emscripten to cross-compile C and C++ into asm.js, developers can run their games at near-native speeds, so they can approach the Web as they would any other platform.”

Looking forward to see what will come from all this. The browser based market has always seemed oddly in the background as a viable gaming platform, and now is the perfect time for it to gain some traction with the disruption happening in the gaming space.