Princess in Another Castle movie trailer teases feels


‘Escape’ short film expanded

Do you remember the sad/amazing Zelda-themed short film we shared with you a few years back? It was called “Escape,” and it told the story of a girl named Danni. Her rough home life takes her down, but popping in Zelda saves the day in a big way.

“Escape” has been turned into a feature film, now called “Princess in Another Castle.” CreatorKennedy Baruch has aimed for a full expansion of his original idea, going for a more accuratedepictionof childhood, and a more passionate love letter to gaming’s past.

You’ll find a message from Baruch, as well as the first trailer for the film. If videogames were an important part of your childhood, watch this trailer and prepare for some feels. The feels, man.

Baruch says that they’re already 60 percent of the way through production, and they need a little push to take it tocompetition. If you’d like to support this, their Indiegogo is the perfect place to help out.

Also, note the Destructoid Kirbee shirt in the message.