Rumor: Nintendo's new system is Nintendo Fusion


Supposed technical specs of new handheld and console

As skeptical as I am about the rumored name of Nintendo’s next game hardware, “Nintendo Fusion,” the idea that the company would have a console and handheld that work hand in hand coming off of the Wii U does sound like an obvious move.

Nintendo News has been tipped off by “one of [its] very reputable sources” with technical specifications for the rumored systems, “Fusion DS” and “Fusion Terminal” (again, really?) which you can read here. Supposedly, these will run 3DS and Wii U games, respectively.

Interesting timing with the Nintendo’s recent financial outlook, certainly. Again, I’m fairly skeptical about all of this but it’s a good talking point even if the rumors don’t pan out. At least this wouldn’t be confused with the original Wii, which is sadly still an issue.

“Nintendo Fusion” Could Be Nintendo’s Next-Gen Hardware Name [Nintendo News]