Man's record-breaking collection contains 10,607 games


A new Guinness World Record

The largest collection of videogames, according to Guinness, belongs to Michael Thomasson. He’s got 10,607 games, up from the last Guinness World Record holder’s collection of 8,616 titles, reports The Associated Press. My first reaction to hearing the new number was to wonder how anyone could have time to play all of these games (excluding our own Chris Carter).

“I probably get three hours of playing in a week,” said Thomasson, who teaches animation and game design at Canisus College. “If I’m lucky.”

My favorite part of this story is that he sold his collection — twice, actually — which is something many of us can relate to. The first time was to pay for a Sega Genesis and the second sale was to help cover his wedding. Thomasson estimates his current lot to be worth between $700,000 – $800,000.

NY man’s 10,607 video games secure Guinness title [AP]