Contest: Win a copy of DuckTales: Remastered!


One Xbox 360, PS3, and Wii U copy up for grabs

[Update: Contest over! Winners are Minowese, Gamescook, and Perfidious Sinn!]

I have in my chubby little hands three copies of DuckTales: Remastered, and instead of playing all three simultaneously on all the massive TVs I have because I am so rich (and also my six arms because I am almost an octopus), I’ve decided to give them away to lucky Dtoid readers!

To win, just post a picture in this thread of something that makes yougo “WOO-OOH” like the DuckTales theme song. (Keep them SFW, please.) You can enter as many times as you like, and the contest is open to anyone in the U.S. You have until this Sunday, December 15 at 11:59pm Pacific to enter, and please also tell me which console (Xbox 360, PS3, Wii U) you’d prefer (or if you have no preference).

Good luck! And don’t forget, our Huge members get automatic entry into all contests (as well as a bunch of other awesome perks). It’s pretty great!