Battlefield 4's China Rising DLC is out today


It would be great if they could fix the game first

Despite the fact that PC, 360, PS3, Xbox One, and PS4 users are all still having major issues with Battlefield 4, there’s new DLC coming out today for Battlefield Premium members (everyone else will have to wait two weeks).

The add-on is in the form of the China Risingpack, which features four news maps(Silk Road, Altai Range, Guilin Peaks, and Dragon Pass), as well as new “Levolutions” for each, an Air Superiority mode, dirt bikes, new weapons, new gadgets, and additional challenges. It’s free with the code included in your new copy, otherwise you’ll have to shell out for Premium or pay $14.99 when it officially drops on December 17th.

I’m enjoying Battlefield 4on the Xbox One, and these maps sure look great, but seriously EA/DICE — fix your damn game.