Take a closer look at Persona Q: Shadows of the Labyrinth


Atlus unveils new story details and screenshots for Nintendo 3DS spin-off

Persona Q: Shadows of the Labyrinthis all kinds of adorable. Astride the cast of familiar names are a pair of new faces, amnesiacs (because of course they have amnesia) named Zen and Rei, the latter of which frequently conjures corndogs and donuts from thin air.

If that seems at all outlandish, just remember that this all takes place in a world where school children can summon demons with pistols. Ensorcelled morsels are pretty much just the par for an already bizarre course. And really, growing teens gotta eat. Dungeon crawling really builds up an appetite.

Beyond the tasty treats, the story takes place in an alternate realm resembling Yasogami High, the school from Persona 4, where the Investigation Team encounters theSpecialized Extracurricular Execution Squad of Persona 3. Brought together by a mysterious clock tower, the groups join forces with a memory-devoid duo to escape thelabyrinthineschool.

Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinthis slated to release on June 5, 2014 in Japan for Nintendo 3DS. In the meantime, take a peek at the game’s first round of screenshots. There’s a lot of them.

「ペルソナQ シャドウ オブ ザ ラビリンス」のストーリーが明らかに。おなじみ「P3」「P4」の面々に加え,新たなキャラクター「玲」と「善」の情報も公開 [4Gamer]