European PS4 buyers can download 1.51 update early


Get ahead of the game Thursday at lunchtime

The PlayStation 4 is all set to launch in Europe this Friday, and those of you eager to jump on Killzone: Shadow Fall or Resogun as soon as humanly possible once your brand new machine is all hooked up can download the 1.51 firmware update early. Come Thursday “at lunchtime,” you can download the version update and load it onto a flash drive so you don’t have to wait for those pesky download times.

I personally didn’t have any trouble downloading the update through my system the day of launch, but I heard some people had quite a bit of trouble downloading it after immediately bringing their consoles home from the midnight launch. So, if you don’t want that to be you it would probably behoove you to throw that sucker on a USB stick so you’re good to go.

PS4 firmware 1.51 available to download Thursday lunchtime [Eurogamer]