A stark new trailer for Mercenary Kings


Strike a juxtapose

It is a thing for games which feature big guns and explosions to have at least one trailer that pairs the imagery with a slow jam. We have just that in this latest video for Mercenary Kings, currently available in Steam Early Access and planned to release on PlayStation 4 this winter.

I grabbed the game on Steam a long time ago and I like it, but my desire to play waxes and wanes quite a bit. A week or two will go past without ever thinking about Mercenary Kings, followed by a couple of nights where no other game will do. The depth of its crafting system can be both compelling and overwhelming, and sometimes between missions I’ll get so caught up in mixing and matching gun parts that I lose interest in actually playing further. Soon enough, I’ll spot it in my list of installed games again and be right back in there, so clearly it has some hold.