F**K! Peggle 2 will miss Xbox One launch


Coming in December, says PopCap

People think I’m kidding around when I talk about how excited I am over PopCap’sPeggle 2. In fact, recent discussions on this topic have had me defending myself. It’s not a crack on Xbox One’s launch lineup — I’m a huge Peggle fan!

That reminds me of the time I was in Tokyo for the PS3 launch. Sony’s HQ had a show floor where all of the launch games were on display. I immediately ran past all of the others, directly to Hot Shots Golf. My pal Cheapy D, of CheapAssGamer, made fun of me for this being my top priority.

I’m guess I’m a weirdo!

So I’m really, truly bummed that Peggle 2 is not an Xbox One launch game. GamesBeat learned that the puzzle title was intended for launch window, but not necessarily launch day. PopCap’s Garth Chouteau told GamesBeat that we can expect to see its launch a few weeks later in December.

Aarrrgh! I don’t know what the deal is. I played it last week and it was perfect!