Capcom and DMC's Hideaki Itsuno to reveal game at TGS


Please don’t be a mobile or browser-based game

Why, hello there. In a list of Capcom’s Tokyo Game Show livestreams, there’s an entry for September 22 that reads “Product Line-up Introduction Stage — Introduction of Capcom’s latest apps. Plus, the reveal of an unannounced title. Featuring director Itsuno Hideaki.”

I’m not so keen on the mention of “apps,” but this is the director of games like Devil May Cry 4, Rival Schools, and Dragon’s Dogma we’re talking about there. I’m optimistic that whatever Itsuno is working on, it’s something of that caliber — something that will get long-time Capcom fans to freak out later this week. I’m probably setting myself up for disappoint.

Tokyo Game Show 2013 live stream schedule [Gematsu]