Nintendo 2DS weighs less than the 3DS XL


Comparison of 2DS system specs with 3DS, XL

Nintendo has divulged the specs of the newly-announced 2DS, and there are a few tidbits worth bringing up. The screen real estate is the same as it is with the regular 3DS, though the funny-looking handheld does support slightly better battery life — 3.5 to 5.5 hours for 3DS games compared to 3 to 5 hours on 3DS, and 3.5 to 6.5 hours on 3DS XL.

There’s no power-saving mode, though a power adapter is included with the 2DS and it’s got a dedicated switch for enabling sleep mode. For as big as the device is, it weighs 260g compared to 235g (3DS) and 336g (3DS XL). Other than that, the one other thing to really jump out at me here is the inclusion of mono speakers. Better play with headphones.

The more I’ve thought about the 2DS, the more I’ve come to see its brilliance. Can’t wait to see how many units Nintendo can move when it launches on October 12, 2013.

Nintendo 3DS family [Nintendo via NeoGAF]